Monday, June 25, 2012

A girl can dream, can't she?

as i mentioned in a previous post, we short saled our house late last year. to say that was a stressful time, would be the understatement of the year. if i started this 'ol blog then, you would probably be reading a whole lotta dark, stressed, and negative posts. i could fathom that a few post titles would be: why me?, i hate school, the ups and downs of marriage, infertility can suck it and so can the real estate market!, D&C...what's that?, getting older is for the birds. i could literally blurt out a zillion other depressing possible titles, but i'll stop right here. i decided 2012 was going to be nothing short of the polar opposite of 2011 for me. 2012 was going to be about hope, being thankful and humble, dreaming of the impossible and possible, drive and ambition, being kind and content.

J always reminds me that God gives you what you need and not what you want. so with that mantra, i'm going to surrender all my qualms about myself and my life to Him, and trust what He has in store for me.

speaking of dreaming, it's no surprise to any of our family members or friends that having our own little one would be the ultimate blessing/dream for J and i. i came across the glow and it pretty much translates a few of my dreams into photographs. here's a few

this site captures the magic and beauty of being a mom. i know that "real life" doesn't look like this. but since this isn't my "real life"...yet, i'll let my dreams of being a mom be filled with effortless beauty, grace, and perfectness, because that's what dreams are made for.

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