- watch what you eat. you only need an extra 200-300 calories during pregnancy. keeping your weight down really, really helps with feeling comfortable in your growing body. plus, i think it helps with minimizing stretch marks.
- stay active. ideally, it would be great if you were in the best shape of your life right before you get pregnant. but if you were like me, and wishing you were just 5 lbs lighter before this journey began, at least stay active. i think that exercising, stretching, and strengthening my core has helped me move despite a big belly, keep the aches and pains at bay, and keep my energy level up. sometimes john even forgets i'm pregnant!
- buy maternity clothes early. but only the necessities. i bought 3 pairs of full panel maternity pants by the end of the 1st trimester and have worn them consistently since then. i feel i really got my money's worth. even though they were a little too big back then, i can't tell you enough how comfortable they were/are.
- listen to your body. if you're tired, take a nap. but if you feel great, then go for it! i jogged, albeit slowly throughout my 2nd trimester and i'm glad i did. nowadays, i walk fast on an incline on a treadmill. but i know that after i deliver baby gabriella, my endurance isn't going to be shot.
- try not to obsess over your weight. i am still struggling with this one. i weigh myself every few days. but i think once a week, or even every 2 weeks to keep track of it would be sufficient enough.
- drink lots and lots and lots of water. it sounds counter intuitive, but when you feel bloated, you actually need to drink more water. plus, being dehydrated can cause contractions. so drink lots of fluids.
- support wear. i posted about this topic here
- don't over use dr. google. this is a hard one for me. but the info on the internet can make you go crazy.
i think that's it. if i think f anything else i'll be sure to let you know. it'll be interesting to see what the next few months have in store for me. we shall see!!
I apologize there are no photos in this post. i know...baaaad blogger!
9. panty liners. good ones at that. i like the poise brand. just trust me on this.
9. panty liners. good ones at that. i like the poise brand. just trust me on this.