Thursday, July 5, 2012

Shopoholics anonymous::electronic version

i think john and i are finally gung-ho about a DSLR. any suggestions?? we definately don't need a top of the line camera, just something that we can play around with. i'm not sure if you know this, but his latest obsession has been instagram! he finally joined a social network ; ) i think this helped solidify his decision on getting a camera.

BTW, if you're interested in following me on instagram, i'm at little_ol_me_ .

besides a DSLR, here are some other things that i've been itching to buy, but haven't plunked down the $$$ to purchase them.

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iphone 4S please.

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MacBook Pro


  1. Take a look at the DSLR's at Costco. They carry both Canon and Nikon's along with nice lens if you end up purchasing a combo kit. Find out which models they carry, go on amazon or bhphoto and read reviews, buy one, play around with it and see if you really like it. If you find yourself wanting more options, then you can jump into the next category of DSLR's. Costco has the best return policy as well if anything were to happen. ;)

  2. Thanks for the tips! I think we are going to get one from Costco this month =)
