Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Adventures in breastfeeding. Part 1.

i am so behind in all my posts.  i have several posts in the queue, but none are done.  i apologize.

in the mean time, in case inquiring minds care to know, here is a short update on how i'm storing my breast milk.

first, let me show you how i store the pump attachments so i don't have to wash them every time i pump.  as you can see, i don't even rinse them.  i wash and sterilize all the parts first thing in the morning.  after i pump, i just place the whole thing in a ziplock bag and put it in the fridge until next use.  trust me, this is completely kosher.  just google it.

right now i freeze the milk in 2 oz bags.  however, i'm going to start freezing 4 oz bags since ella drinks 3-4 oz at a time.

take note that i freeze the bags flat.  that way it takes up less room in the freezer.

did you know that a fiber one box from costco is the perfect storing vessel for frozen bags of breast milk?

i place the newest bags in the back.  so when john has to make ella's nightly bottle all he has to do is grab the front 2 bags.

there you have it.  the first installment of adventures in breastfeeding.  more to come...i promise!

1 comment:

  1. i love the fiber one box! great tutorial. you're at natural!
