Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Gabriella's 3 month update.



my, my, my...our little munchkin has grown!  she didn't have a pediatrician appointment this month so no new stats to rave about, but as you can see, ella has grown in weight and length.  just to refresh your memory, here are her previous stats:

2 months + 1 week -  11lbs 6oz
1 month - 8lbs 7oz
day 8 - 6lbs 8oz
birth - 6lbs 10oz

still doing the bedtime bath routine but i started to give her bath earlier at 8pm.  she is out cold by 10 pm.  by the second half of her second month, ella started to sleep 6 hours.  occasionally she will wake up at the bewitching 1 am hour, but for the most part she will wake up at 4 am.  after 4 am, to the dismay of mama, ms. ella tends to cluster feed.  this means that my little girl is waking up every hour to nurse after 4 am until 7 or 8 am when she is truly awake for the day.

we went through a phase of her waking up more frequently at night which, out of pure desperation, initiated co-sleeping.  but that has since passed and our little princess is back to sleeping in her pack n play.

we don't have a nap routine during the day.  some days she naps great and other days she doesn't.  when and how did you establish a routine with your little one during the day?

food aka nursing
one thing is for girl loves to nurse!  i swear, she wouldn't mind one bit if i nursed her all day long.  she went from taking 4 oz to 6 oz, to sometimes even 7 oz at a time.  what can i say...she takes after her mama and her daddy.  we're big eaters!

we had, and are still dealing with a little set back that occurred mid month.   i introduced the bottle at 6 weeks without a problem.  then a few weeks ago, every time gabriella would take a bottle, she would accumulate so much air that she would scream and cry after 4 oz and would only stop crying after 3 or 4 loud burps.  after those burps, she would reject the bottle even though she was hungry.  feeding her with a bottle became, and still is, somewhat stressful for her and whoever ends up feeding her.  i'm stressed about this because i go back to work in a few weeks.  i've bought all kinds of bottles that is supposed to decrease air, but i haven't found one perfect one.  for now, burping her frequently during her bottle feeds seems to make it a little better.  i'll keep you posted.

overall, i would have to say gabriella is a good and happy baby.  although, she will scream bloody murder if she's hungry.  things that calm her are: burping, being in her ergo carrier, going outside, being carried face forward, car rides, baths, being in her rock n play, and playing with her "friends" on her gym mat.

cooing, smiling, and giggling are constant.  she has found her hands and likes to stuff her fists in her mouth.  she has also started drooling this month.  her head control is improving and so is her leg strength.  tummy time is hit or miss with her still, but we continue to practice.  and i think she has her father's eyesight because she tracks us and objects extremely well.

 mama update
still trying to lose the last 7 lbs without any success.  i've been jogging more but haven't gone to my boxing/kickboxing classes because of the pain in my hands.  to drop this weight, i know i have to severely cut down, or better yet, eliminate the carbs.   but since i'm breast feeding i'm hesitant to do that.  the line on my belly from pregnancy (linea nigra) has almost faded away, my skin is getting back to normal, and my hair is starting to fall out.

till next month!

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