Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Exercise and pregnancy.

once i was cleared by my doctor to start exercising again i was more than eager to get back into some sort of exercise routine. i knew i had to listen to my body and not over do it.  so with some caution and a big smile on my face, i started to jog and take my boxing and kickboxing classes again.

when i tell people i still go to my boxing and kickboxing  classes and jog i either get, a "good for you" and a high five or a "oh...you do?" and a crazy stink eye that i'm sure means "is that safe for the baby?".  i really think some people think that if you exercise when you are pregnant, it does more harm than good.  isn't that nuts?  what do they expect me to do all day, all 9 months, sit on my butt, eat, and sleep?  i mean, does pregnancy = sick? not in my book!  i totally understand that if i was not active before, then i probably shouldn't be trying to do a roundhouse kick or a jab-jab-straight-hook combination. but i've been taking those classes religiously for 4 years now and could run 7 miles (with hills, i might add) before i got pregnant.  so just sitting and not being active would do me more harm than good.

what are your thoughts on the subject of exercising and pregnancy?

and now for some pics from around the web:

i'm all about squats, but this is nuts.

ummm...amazing...or down right crazy?

i agree...this is kinda over doing it.  you won't see
me lifting anything remotely heavy.
i don't want to go into preterm labor!

non-pregnant me could barely do a
pull up. i'm not about to try now.

this i think i could do.

i love push ups.
but my knees would have to be bent.

all images came from babble.


  1. Ok, you know my comment on this. No jogging...LOL!

  2. I jog extremely slow. I swear, eeryone passes me up...lol.
