Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The day I finally got a +, and not a - ...

forgive me if i'm being a bit shy talking about this pregnancy. it's not that i'm not excited about it, because I AM. more than i could even admit. i say "admit" because, well...honestly, i'm scared. scared that something might happen. and our dream that we've been dreaming for two long years might not come to premonition.  i just don't want to jinx ourselves. can y'all relate? well, if you can or if you can't, it's what i'm feeling right now. so there.

but, i've decided to follow some advice from my sister-in-law, annabelle.  i am going to try my best to document this journey in the hopes that one day my little one and I could go through this dear 'ol blog together and smile.

so, here it goes...so far.

june 14. that day was a good day. i've had so many -s,
that even though the + was so faint,
i jumped for joy.
i didn't even bother taking another one.

june 27. first ultrasound at 6 weeks.
do you see that little circle?
it's the beginnings of a new life...now isn't that
just amazing.

july 11 or 7/11. now that was a lucky day.
the round thing is the yolk sac. and beneath it,
is a fetus. the best thing about it,
was that i heard the little heart beat.
the heart looked like a little eye blinking right at me =)

august 15. here's our most recent ultrasound.
what a difference, right?!

so there you have it. 4 months and still goin' strong. isn't it mind boggling how fast the baby grows?! my next ultrasound will be tomorrow and after that will be the famous 20 week ultrasound where we find out if everything is as it should be. you know, if there are 4 chambers in the heart, the intestines are inside the belly, etc... oh, and of course, the sex of the baby! just in case you're wondering, first and foremost, we want a healthy, happy baby. but i'm gunning for a boy and john is gunning for a girl ;-)


  1. So happy for you two! It should be a very special bday indeed. I can't wait to find out boy or girl!

  2. Thank you so so much!!! It's been a long time coming. As the saying goes, the longer the wait, the sweeter the reward ;-)
