Saturday, September 8, 2012

Capturing emotion through photography.

my favorite types of photos are ones that capture a spontaneous moment, expression, feeling.  i realize that staged group pictures are a necessity particularly during large get togethers.  however, it's not very interesting to look at or admire, unless of course you are in it ;-)

here are a few of my favorite photos i took when john and i went to san diego.  what do you think...did i capture emotion?

this one was not taken in san diego.  but i wanted to include this photo
of my niece.  i have a feeling she's thinking of her
wish right before she blows out her candles.
she turned 11 on 9/1/2012.


  1. I like these candid shots. You're camera skills are definitely looking good.

  2. Thanks! I've been practicing a lot ;-)
