Monday, November 12, 2012

A few old wives tales about pregnancy.

the good news is is that i'm slowly nursing this cold and feeling a lot better today.  the bad news is, is that i think john is now sick.  as i currently type this post, he is beside me and has a scarf around his neck, a beanie on his head, breathe right on his nose, and vicks close by on our nightstand.

i was looking at some photos i took at my friend's baby shower over the weekend and couldn't help but wonder in amazement how each woman "carries" her pregnancy so differently.

I started to google old wives tales about pregnancy and they all made me chuckle.  let's just say, i'm definitely having a girl!  just in case your curious, here's a few of them courtesy of

  1. If you're carrying in the front, you're having a boy.  If you're expanding horizontally, you're having a girl.
  2. If your fetal heart rate is consistently above 140, you're having a girl.  If you're baby's heart rate is slower, then you're having a boy.
  3. Oh cravings...sweets, then it's a girl.  Salty/sour snacks, then you're having a boy.
  4. They say a girl steals her mother's beauty.  Having pregnancy acne?  Then a girl it is.  If you have smooth, glowing skin, then it's a boy.
  5. If your partner is gaining weight right along with you, then you're having a girl.  If he/she doesn't, then your having a boy.
  6. This one's interesting.  If you put your wedding ring on a string and hold it above your pregnant belly...if it swings back and forth, you're having a girl.  If it moves in circles, then it's a boy.
there you have it, some interesting old wives tales about pregnancy and gender predictions.  do you think these urban legends have some truth behind it??? 

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