Sunday, November 25, 2012

Pumpkin smoothie.

after OD-ing on all the carbs from thanksgiving, i made an attempt to eat a little healthier today.  half of my brain was determined to eat clean, but the other half was calling to eat the last piece of chocolate cream pie in my fridge.  luckily i had one can of pumpkin puree in my pantry and decided to make a pumpkin smoothie.  pumpkin smoothies have been popping up on pinterest ever since fall started and it always intrigued me.  so i whipped out my ipad and browsed pinterest until i found a healthy pumpkin smoothie recipe.  props to ms. martha stewart for coming up with the recipe.  i took her recipe and tweaked it just a bit.

here's what you'll need:
1.  1/2 cup of pumpkin puree..which is very low in calorie and fat btw
2. 1 cup of fat free greek yogurt.
3. 1/2 cup of almond milk
4.  cinnamon (i put a lot of cinnamon.  did you know 
cinnamon speeds up your metabolism?)
5.  stevia to taste
6.  ice cubes

just throw all your ingredients in your blender and enjoy!

this smoothie really hit the spot.  not only was it delicious, but it's the perfect low calorie, low fat, high in calcium and protein drink for a preggo mama-to-be.  try it!

if you want to add an extra "oomf" to his drink, i think graham crackers would be the perfect addition.

i have filipino pork loin adobo (healthy version) cooking in my crock pot as i type this post.  stay tuned for the recipe ;-)

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