remember when i posted about
this? and
this? i want to talk about digital perms yet again. i have a love hate relationship with this hairstyle. it is truly the way to get sexy hair. but, like i said before, after 2 years of digitally perming my hair (only twice a year mind you), i noticed that my hair was thinning. with that being said, i think i would get another digital perm once my hair grows longer. it sounds crazy, but this type of perm allows us asian women to have soft, naturally-looking curly hair with no work at all. it may look like it took hours to get these curls, but it is a wash and go type of hairstyle. now if that doesn't intrigue you, then i have no idea what will. i have my dear cousin to thank for this new found obsession with sexy hair aka digitally permed hair.
let me start off by stating that the place to get a digital perm in san francisco is at
star east hair and beauty by joe whom i aptly coined, the hair whisperer. he is the owner and sole hairstylist of this small, unassuming, chinese hair salon in the richmond district. for those of you who aren't well versed on digital perms, let me show you some photos of this type of japanese perm from around the web.
sexy hair, right? well, my 2 cousins from NY visited me a few weeks ago and 1 of them, who has NEVER done anything to her hair before...we are talking virgin hair...decided she wanted a digital perm. she asked me to accompany her to get it done, and i graciously obliged. it took almost 4 hours people!!! it just shows, i do love my cousin. thankfully i had my ipad, my other cousin (her sister), and a lunch date at
pizzetta 211 to kill some time.
are you interested in seeing the step-by-step process of obtaining such sexy hair? you'll have to wait for my next post, hehehe. but i'll show you a sneak peek right now.
scary but interesting, right? |
till next time my dear friends!